Tooth Surface Loss and Bruxism Management

Management of tooth surface loss and sleep bruxism treatment requires the correct diagnosis of the problem and the causes. Tooth surface loss can occur due to acid erosion of teeth, abrasion from hard substances like nuts and ice, or aggressive toothbrushing.
Tooth surface loss commonly occurs in association with bruxism – the involuntary habitual griding of teeth when you sleep. Tooth surface loss treatment is aimed at stopping the cause of fractures and repairing the damage.
Benefits of Tooth Surface Loss Treatment
Tooth surface loss is not just an aesthetic problem – it can lead to more serious problems like tooth fractures and cracked teeth. If you want to protect your teeth from surface loss and bruxism, it is important to understand how these conditions occur. Some of the ways it can happen include:
• Erosion When the tooth enamel on your teeth gets worn down due to natural factors or foods that are too acidic.
• Abrasion When the tooth enamel wears down as a result of brushing too hard with abrasive bristles or biting into certain foods that exposes the underlying dentin.
• Attrition When tooth tissue is lost during functional oral activities such as swallowing and speech, or parafunction habits like clenching, grinding or lip biting.
• Abfractions When stress and pressure cause teeth and gums to come together creating tooth structure loss, such as when you grind your teeth.
Active bruxism is a disorder that can lead to toothache, root canal treatments and even the loss of teeth. Signs of this condition may include a scalloped tongue or ridges that appear on the cheeks. Dry mouth may be another indicator of excessive grinding at night. Tooth sensitivity from enamel erosion can also be a sign of tooth surface loss or bruxism.
Prevention of tooth surface loss allows you to keep your teeth healthy and functioning for longer. It helps to maintain the aesthetics of your dentition, as tooth surface loss can be quite damaging to the appearance of your teeth. Our dentists at TEETH @ Tiong Bahru can help with the management of tooth surface loss by identifying, treating and preventing further loss to avoid more severe consequences: tooth fracture, root canal treatments and, in the worst cases, tooth loss.
Process of Tooth Surface Loss Treatment
Treatment of tooth surface loss and bruxism management starts with the correct diagnosis to identify the root cause. Our dental team may use X-rays and other special tests to prescribe the best option to treat your sleep bruxism treatment and teeth grinding.
Management of tooth surface loss or sleep bruxism treatment requires a complex multi-faceted treatment plan, as well as the commitment of our patients to practice healthy oral habits. Personalised custom treatment plans by our dentists may include:
• Methods to stop habits that lead to the tooth surface loss, such as mitigating stress to learning new teeth-brushing techniques.
• Nightguards or splints to prevent further damage where the habit is unconscious.
• Interventions to bring the dentition back to full function: fillings, inlays or onlays, root canal treatment, or even implants.
Cost for Tooth Surface Loss and Bruxism Services
The diagnosis of the problem and its causes are key in management of tooth surface loss or sleep bruxism treatment. Treatment for managing tooth surface loss and bruxism management varies. It is a complex dental condition that requires a multi-pronged approach. Our dentists are happy to work with you to determine your treatment needs and priorities.
Contact us today at TEETH @ Tiong Bahru Dental Clinic in Singapore for a consultation to discuss your particular needs and treatment costs.
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Restorative Dentistry Services
Crowns & Bridges
Crowns are a great solution for teeth that have been broken, or weakened by large fillings, or fractures; and, ridges are a method of replacing a missing tooth by using the adjacent teeth to provide the support.
Inlays & Onlays
Inlays and onlays are fabricated in the lab. Inlays act as stronger, more durable versions of fillings, especially when restoring particularly large cavities. Onlays are a way to protect the occlusal surface of a tooth in situations where a full crown is not necessary.
Removable Dentures
Removable dentures are a solution to replace missing teeth. They may be placed in a jaw where some teeth remain, or fully replace all the teeth in an arch. They are either an interim treatment in preparation for bridging or implants, or can be the final treatment itself.
Tooth Surface Loss / Bruxism
Tooth surface loss (TSL) can occur due to acid erosion of teeth, abrasion from hard substances – nuts, ice, or aggressive toothbrushing, and attrition-the wear caused by parafunctional tooth contact.